วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 03, 2554

HOWTO Configure SSH for passwordless logins

HOWTO Configure SSH for Passwordless Logins (Succeed/Tested on Ubuntu)
Do these on client pc (machine that will make a connection to a remote server)

Step 1 - 
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Note: Enter when it asking for the passphrase

Step 2
$ ssh-keygen -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa

Step 3
$ ssh-copy-id [remote-server]
i.e.: ssh-copy-id root@

Step 4
$ ssh [remote-server] 'chmod 700 .ssh'
i.e.: ssh root@ 'chmod 700 .ssh'

Step 5
Test connecting..it will not ask for password anymore 
$ ssh [remote-server]
ssh root@

    I have more than a server for this pc to make the connection so I repeat step 3 thru step 5 for each remote machines. Don't need to repeat step 1, 2 and don't do that.

from http://fak3r.com/geek/howto-build-your-own-open-source-dropbox-clone/ 

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